Expanding your company and hiring new employees in Canadá

employer complies with Canadian employment and recruitment regulations

In 3eQcanada.com we help you

Recruitment in Canadá

Expanding your business and recruiting new people employed in Canada is an exciting stage. However, you could face expensive fines or other penalties if you fail to comply with Canada’s employment and recruitment regulations.

How to Hire Employees in Canadá

You can choose to hire employees yourself or work with a 3eQcanada.com to help you find talent.

Hiring your employees on your own requires a significant time commitment and the willingness to travel to Canada multiple times. You will need to make sure your company’s key players have time to spare so you can hire abroad.

You may also choose to work with a global PEO such as Globalization Partners. While setting up a subsidiary is a months-long process to finish before you can even hire an employee, we can act as the Employer of Record and hire employees on your behalf to get you up and running in days.

Recruitment and Recruitment in Canadá

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